International Collaboration
At an international level, our researchers work with partners to deliver projects and large-scale programs in areas of strategic priority.

Leadership Capability Development for the Vietnam Australia Centre
Facilitated by Jane Coffey, Amy Tian, Khuong Truong, Fran Ackermann, Shannon Ford and Tien Nguyen (Singapore based lead).
This program is run in conjunction with the newly established Vietnam Australia Centre (VAC) which is a partnership between the Australian Embassy in Vietnam and the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics (HCMA). The program consists of three main activities and target audiences;
- The Public and International Affairs Senior Leadership Certificate Australia Awards Short Course is a flagship VAC short course covering the core leadership capabilities for public and international affairs with a focus on regional engagement. It will be offered to 20 Deputy Director Generals (DDGs) and emerging leaders from the VAC’s four Foundational Partners (the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics (HCMA), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), the Office of the Government (OOG) and the External Relations Commission of the Communist Party of Vietnam (ERC)). This short course will develop the leadership capabilities of participants in an engaging and interactive manner applicable to their work contexts and the region.
- Strategic Public Sector Leadership Workshop will be delivered to participants undergoing the HCMA’s Advanced Political Theory (APT) program1 and will enable them to think critically about the capabilities required of managerial leaders, with an emphasis on becoming effective leaders themselves.
- Contemporary Leadership Skills Training is an annual refresher course delivered by the HCMA to provincial and district leaders who have completed the HCMA’s APT program and have been working in management/leadership roles for several years. One day out of the five-day course is allocated for an Australian provider to share contemporary leadership knowledge with a focus on priority topics such as Leading and Managing Change and Strategic Analysis and Foresighting.
Building Blocks for Domestic Carbon Markets Through Enhancing Green-House Gas Inventory and Reporting Capacity for the Aus4Skills Program
Facilitated by Lien Duong, Grantley Taylor, Ruhul Salim, Muammer Wali and Kate Brooks (Head of School EECMS).
Building on two previous Curtin led DFAT-funded short courses on establishing a domestic carbon market, this program aims to enhance the capacity of the Vietnamese Government and private sector participants in GHG inventory and reporting. These technical and policy skills are the stepping stones to meet the enhanced transparency standards under Article 13 of the Paris Agreement, to inform policy interventions, and to prepare for effective carbon markets. The target audience are participants from various Vietnam Ministries and organisations in the carbon market industries.
Australia Awards Short Course in Building the Ecosystem to Support Carbon Market Establishment for the Aus4Skills Program
Facilitated by Ruhul Salim, Lien Duong, Habib Rahman and Muammer Wali.
Aus4Skills organised the delivery of an AASC on “Carbon market operation and cooperative mechanisms under the Paris Agreement” which was delivered by Curtin University to Government of Vietnam participants in 2022. The course provided participants with the chance to interact with representatives from Australia’s Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW), including the Clean Energy Regulator, helped facilitate the discussion between DFAT, DCCEEW and MONRE and made way for further cooperation under IPCOS. Based upon the success of this course, and in response to the need for capacity building support, this program was delivered by Curtin, and shared global and Australia’s knowledge of carbon markets, carbon project investment and carbon credits trading, and enhanced engagement of the private sector, especially big emitters, to promote their compliance with carbon inventory and reporting so could eventually participate effectively in mandated carbon markets in Vietnam, and potentially, in the region. The target participants were 15 employees from Vietnam government ministries.