Health economics
Our research focuses on the identification and impact of variation in population and clinical practice, the cost effectiveness of health care interventions, and evaluating the development and implementation of models of care.

Variation in population and clinical practice
Our research focuses on the identification and impact of variation in population and clinical practice, with particular focus on continuity of care; population health planning and resource allocation.
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School of Public Health
Ms Suzy Maxwell
Ms Maxwell is currently working on a study to explore trends in the use of computed tomography (CT) in Australia and cancer risk.
Associate Professor Rachael Moorin
Associate Professor Moorin’s current research projects are centred on promoting evidence-based care; reducing ineffective, wasteful or harmful care; reducing unnecessary downstream health care use and costs, and improving health outcomes for patients with a range of chronic conditions.
Associate Professor Richard Norman
Associate Professor Norman’s research focus is around delivering cost effective care. He uses routinely collected clinical data to optimise health care decision making in Australia.
Professor Suzanne Robinson’s
Professor Robinson’s current research projects include using economic analysis to explore resource allocation and commissioning of primary care services in WA and a study that is exploring variation in antibiotic prescribing in general practice.
Mr David Youens
Mr Youens’ research is examining the relationships between continuity of primary care and preventable hospitalisation and assessing methods of measuring continuity of care and its impact on clinical outcomes.
Economic evaluation and health care utilisation
Our research undertakes economic evaluation that explores the cost effectiveness of existing and new health care interventions/programs and also explores health care utilisation across different populations. The team is involved in a number of studies that are looking at the cost effectiveness of interventions including national and state funded clinical trials and research projects.
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School of Public Health
Dr Delia Hendrie
Dr Hendrie is involved in a studies that look at the cost of road traffic safety measures; randomised trials of interventions used by ambulance paramedics.
Associate Professor Richard Norman
Associate Professor Norman’s work focuses on measuring and valuing health outcomes, particularly for use in economic evaluation. He has a particular interest in discrete choice experiments, a tool widely used to value aspects of health.
Professor Suzanne Robinson
Professor Robinson is involved in a longitudinal study that focuses on older males utilisation of health services.
Health system reform and translational research
Evaluation of the development and implementation of models of care aimed at more integrated health provision that focuses on the right care, right time, right place and analysis of supply and workforce aspects that impact on delivery of services.
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School of Public Health
Dr Delia Hendrie
Dr Hendrie is involved in a WA state project that evaluates the WA Health’s Research Translation Program.
Dr Marshall Makate
Dr Makate is involved in research that focuses on the effectiveness of the Australian General Practice Training Program in Western Australia.
Professor Suzanne Robinson
Professor Robinson’s research includes evaluations that focus on digital health technology in rural Australia and an evaluation of new and existing primary care models in Australia.