Physical activity and occupational health
Our research focuses on physical activity and its effects on health and wellbeing. We study at-risk and ill populations, ergonomics, sedentary behaviour and psychological health.

Occupational health
Occupational health research includes the study of workstations and exercise, military physical and psychological health, and workplace ergonomics and kinematics.

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School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science
Associate Professor Daniel Gucciardi
Daniel’s research interests are in applied psychology with a particular focus on personal and contextual factors related to high performance, health behaviours and well-being in contexts such as sport, education and the workplace.
Associate Professor Kevin Netto
Kevin is interested in human performance in the extremes, assessing human biomechanics to study changes in the neuro-musculoskeletal system.
Dr Sharon Parry
Sharon studies physical activity and sedentary behaviour, interventions to reduce sedentary behaviour in the workplace, and the impact of sedentary behaviour on musculoskeletal symptoms.
Dr Sonia Ranelli
Sonia’s research interests are upper limb musculoskeletal disorders in young musicians and associated risk factors, musician health and wellbeing, and complex regional pain syndrome.
Professor Leon Straker
Leon’s research interests include the impact of technology on health, sedentariness, computer and electronic game use by children, prevention of musculoskeletal disorders associated with manual handling, and adolescent spinal pain.
Physical activity
We study the physical activity of participants across the lifespan, including children, adults and older people, as well as individuals with cancer and neurodevelopmental disabilities.

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School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science
Dr Elissa Burton
Elissa’s research interest is in utilising physical activity to assist older people to live independently, including staying in their homes for as long as they choose.
Dr Vin Cavalheri
Vin’s research interests encompass physical activity and the role of exercise training for people with respiratory diseases such as lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Dr Jenny Downs
Jenny studies Rett syndrome, disability, scoliosis, rare diseases, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, child development and evidence based practice.
Dr Robyn Fary
Robyn is currently looking at physical activity and sedentary behaviour in the older adult and their relationship to wellbeing, enjoyment and function (residential aged care, community-dwelling, dance).
Dr Meg Harrold
Dr Kylie Hill
Kylie’s main focus is related to the assessment of physical activity and strategies to increase participation in physical activity in adults with chronic lung disease.
Dr Lynn Jensen
Lynn works in the areas of physical activity, paediatrics and motor development in children with and without disabilities, from infancy to adolescence.
Dr Andrew Maiorana
Andrew is interested in the effects of exercise and physical activity in the prevention, rehabilitation and management of cardiometabolic disease.
Dr Beatriz De Oliveira
Beatriz researches physical activity and adapted physical activity, biomechanics, management of musculoskeletal disorders and ageing.
Dr Sian Williams
Sian conducts research in rehabilitation, biomechanics, cerebral palsy and paediatrics.
Obesity and sedentariness
We focus on the development of weight loss programs delivered through professional sport settings.

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School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science
Associate Professor Daniel Gucciardi
Daniel’s research interests are in applied psychology with a particular focus on personal and contextual factors related to high performance, health behaviours and well-being in contexts such as sport, education and the workplace.
Dr Kylie Hill
Kylie is focusing on the assessment of sedentary behaviour and strategies to reduce sedentary time in adults with chronic lung disease, and assessing changes in sedentary behaviour following bariatric surgery.
Dr Sharon Parry
Sharon studies physical activity and sedentary behaviour, interventions to reduce sedentary behaviour in the workplace, and the impact of sedentary behaviour on musculoskeletal symptoms.
Professor Leon Straker
Leon’s research interests include the impact of technology on health, sedentariness, computer and electronic game use by children, prevention of musculoskeletal disorders associated with manual handling, and adolescent spinal pain.