Institutes, centres and groups
The faculty’s research centres, institutes and units include faculty-based and school-based areas of research, Centres of Excellence and Cooperative Research Centres (CRCs).

enAble Institute
We work with people living with health challenges to create the evidence (what we know and discover) to help them deal with their challenges.

Physical Activity and Well-Being (PAW)
This group represents a hub of researchers interested in applying psychological theories to facilitate engagement and optimal experiences in sport, exercise classes, and physical education.

Autism CRC
Our vision is to see autistic people empowered to discover and use their diverse strengths and interests.

Autism Academy for Software Quality Assurance (AASQA)
The AASQA is an Australian social innovation initiative with the vision of harnessing the special talents of people with Autism for the collective benefit of those with Autism, industry and the wider community.

Collaboration for Evidence, Research and Impact in Public Health (CERIPH)
CERIPH views health promotion as a combination of educational, organisational, economic, social and political actions designed with meaningful participation, and to improve health through attitudinal, behavioural, social and environmental change.

Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute (CHIRI)
Researchers at the CHIRI are committed and focused on developing new treatments for diseases that more commonly occur with older age.

The Lowitja Institute
An Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation working for the health and wellbeing of Australia’s First Peoples through high impact quality research, knowledge translation and by supporting a new generation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health researchers.

International Consortium on Occupational Resilience (ICOR)
ICOR is an international research consortium, with the primary objective to advance the understanding of factors impacting on occupational resilience within multiple occupational groups.

National Drug Research Institute (NDRI)
The National Drug Research Institute conducts and disseminates high quality research that contributes to the primary prevention of harmful drug use and the reduction of drug related harm in Australia.

The Centre for Data Linkage
The Centre for Data Linkage (CDL) is a nationally and internationally focused unit capable of securely linking and managing health information across Australia to support research.

Prehospital, Resuscitation and Emergency Care Research Unit (PRECRU)
PRECRU is based in the Curtin School of Nursing. It is a collaborative research endeavour with St John Ambulance (WA).

Public Health Advocacy Institute of WA (PHAIWA)
The Public Health Advocacy Institute of WA (PHAIWA) promotes develops and supports public health advocacy in Western Australia.
Research groups

Cognition and Emotion Group
The Cognition and Emotion Group was founded in October 2015. Our interests cover topics in cognition and emotion across the life span.

Community Psychology Group
The research and practice focus of the Community Psychology group is strengths-based and aims to understand and enhance the relationships between people and their ecological context.

Curtin Autism Research Group (CARG)
The mission of the Curtin Autism Research Group (CARG) is to make tomorrow better for people on the autism spectrum, by letting their needs and experience guide our work.

Behavioural Science & Health Research Group
The HPBM aims to examine the psychological factors that are associated with health-related behaviour and develop interventions that will promote health.

Health Research and Data Analytics Hub
The Hub has been established to extend Curtin’s ability to utilise large-scale health datasets to better understand care practices associated with positive health outcomes and help train a future workforce in health data analytics.

Language and Speech Sciences Group
The Language and Speech Sciences Research Group is a vibrant group of speech pathologists, psychologists and educators exploring a range of different areas of normal and disordered speech, language and communication.

Learning, Attitudes, Cognition and eBehaviour Research Group
The group’s research consists of a collection of researchers who investigate and evaluate evidence-based methodologies in the context of learning, examining individual differences across a range of contexts.

Western Australian Group for Evidence Informed Healthcare Practice
Located in the Curtin School of Nursing, we undertake a range of practice oriented research activities to improve clinical practice and healthcare outcomes in line with the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) framework.

Biotechnology and Drug Development Research Laboratory
The laboratory’s research focuses on innovative pharmaceutical and therapeutic systems for diabetes treatment, utilising microencapsulation technology for drugs, pancreatic or bacterial-probiotic cells, and tissue engineering.

Curtin Ageing Research Network (CARN)
Curtin’s Ageing Research Network undertakes research that enhances the wellbeing and independence of older people.