Seafood research at Curtin

Seafood research at Curtin seeks to build a critical mass of scientists and researchers, with support from national and international collaborators, to ensure that Australia is seen as a world leader in seafood research within the next five years.
We aim to provide an opportunity for scientists and researchers to conduct research that will directly service the research needs of the seafood industry.
To shape the future of Australia’s seafood industry in a local and international context and thus enhance the economic benefit to industry.
- To strengthen and improve the research capacity
- To facilitate research within the seafood industry to increase profitability
The primary aim of seafood research at Curtin is to conduct excellence in scientific research and translate research findings into applied and practical outcomes that will have direct benefit to the seafood industry and to the general community.
- To investigate the relationship between science;
- To improve the performance of seafood supply chains through science and innovation techniques;
- To build seafood scientific research and development capacity;
- To work directly with industry to ensure that the research conducted at Curtin has relevance to the industry.
- Dr Janet Howieson, Senior Lecturer
- Professor Ravi Fotedar, Professor
Journal articles
- McManus A, Hunt W, Storey J, McManus J, Hilhorst S. Perceptions and preferences for fresh seafood in an Australian context. International Journal of Consumer Studies. 2014; 6:1-7
doi:10.111/ijcs.12076 (Impact factor 0.521) - McManus A. Australian Dietary guidelines and the environmental impact of food ‘from paddock to plate’. Medical Journal of Australia 2013; 199(7): 457 (Impact factor 2.853)
- McManus A, Hunt W. Consumption of omega-3 fatty acids and women’s health. OA Women’s
Health 2013; 1 (2):11-20 (IF 1.417) - Howieson, JR, Hastings K, Lawley M. Creating value in the supply chain for Australian farmed barramundi – Whole of chain perspective. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing
2013;25:4, 287-297 - Lawley M, Howieson JR. What chefs want when buying Australian seafood. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing 2013; 25(4): 287-297
- McManus A, Hunt W, Howieson J, Cuesta-Briand B, Storey J. Attitudes towards seafood and patterns of consumption in an Australian coast town. Nutrition Bulletin 2012; 37(3): DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-3010.2012.01978.x
- McManus A. The great portion debate. Australasian Medical Journal. 2011: 4(12); 700-702
- Taylor J, McManus A, Nicholson C. A critical review of nutrition resources for General Practitioners focusing on healthy diet, including seafood. Australasian Medical Journal. 2011: 4(12); 694-699 http//
- McManus A, Fielder L, Newton W, White J. Health benefits of seafood for men. Journal of Men’s Health 2011; 8: 252-257 10.1016/j.jomh.2011.04.004
- Newton W, McManus A. Consumption of fish and Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Ageing. 2011: 7(15); 551-552
- McManus A, Merga M, Newton W. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: What consumers need to know. Appetite 2011; doi:10.1016/j.appet.2011.03.015
- McManus A, Merga M, Newton W, Trzsenski A. Seafood: nutritional gold for seniors. Australasian Medical Journal 2010; 3(13): 855-859
- McManus A, Burns SB, Howat PA, Cooper L, Fielder L. Factors influencing the consumption of seafood among young children in Perth: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health 2007; 7:119-125.
Conference presentations
- McManus A, Hunt W. Fish, seafood and Omega 3 fatty acids in maternal and infant nutrition: Implications for public health messages. 5th International Conference on Maternal and Infant
Nutrition and Nurture: Relational, Bio-cultural and Spatial Perspectives. University of Western Sydney, NSW 5-7 November 2014. - Howieson J, Carter D, Bell B, Leyland L, Colquhuon E. Implementing traceability in a remote, high volume fishery: Issues, opportunities, benefits. World Aquaculture Conference Adelaide, Australia
7-10 June, 2014 Invited - Kleindienst R, Wilkinson R, Partridge G, Howieson J. Comparison of harvest strategies for improving flesh quality in yellowtail Kingfish Seriola lalandi and Barramundi Lates calcarifer. AsianPacific Aquaculture Conference Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam 10-13th December 2013
- Howieson JR, Denham F, Fernandes L. Monitoring quality and safety through seafood supply chains: issues and opportunities. Environmental Health Australia Conference Perth Australia 24-26
September 2013 Invited - Tonkin R, Howieson J, Denham F, Fernandez L. Fish to dish: issues and opportunities for the saddletail snapper supply chain. 46th Annual AIFST Convention: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Brisbane Queensland 14-16th July 2013 - Denham F, Biswas W, Howieson JR Environmental Impact of a finfish supply chain in Western Australia: analysis, interventions and opportunities 8th Life Cycle Conference: Pathways to Greening
Global Markets’ Manly, New South Wales12-16 July 2013. - McManus A, Hunt W, McManus J, Storey J, Hilhorst S. Consumer understanding: Fresh, frozen, chilled and thawed. Asia Pacific Food Innovation Conference. Technology Park, Bentley Western Australia. 9-12 June 2013
- Jecks P, Howieson JR. Value adding Seafood. 1st Asia Pacific Food Innovation Conference Perth Australia. 11-12 June 2013
- Lawley M, Howieson JR. What Chefs Want When Buying Australian Seafood. International Food Marketing Conference Budapest Hungary. 10-13 June 2013
- McManus A. The future of seafood in food security and sustainability. The 2050 Challenge: Science solutions for securing our food future. Primary Industries Centre for Science Education (PICSE) Technology Park, Bentley Western Australia 19-20 November 2012
- McManus A. Diet and dementia. The ‘ins and outs of dementia care. WA Dementia Training Study Centre Workshop Technology Park Function Centre Bentley Perth. 7 November 2012 Keynote Speaker
- Howieson JR, Munyard S, Denham, F, Tonkin R. Microbiological Monitoring through seafood supply chains: issues and opportunities. Combined Biological Sciences Meeting Perth Australia 24
August 2012 Invited - McManus A, Hunt W, Storey J, McManus J. Understanding the importance of recreational fishing to Australian Society. National Recreational Fishing Conference Gold Coast Convention
Centre 12-16 August 2012 - Howieson JR Identification of factors impacting on fillet greying and other end-user quality attributes in farmed barramundi ABFA/APFA Conference Cairns Queensland 1-3 August 2012
- Howieson JR, Cuesta-Briand B. Expert-led Accelerated Seafood Product Development: A Case Study. 2012 International Food Marketing Research Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 8-10 June
2012 - McManus A, Hunt W. Seafood for retail sale: What will labels look like in 10 years? Australasian Aquaculture Conference. Melbourne Convention Centre Australia 1-4 May 2012
- Howieson JR, Jecks P. Putting the Consumer First: Practical Seafood Examples Australasian Aquaculture Conference Melbourne Convention Centre, Australia 1- 4 May 2012
- McManus A. Promoting the health benefits of seafood: Successes, challenges and lessons learned. Australian Seafood Industry National Conference Seafood Directions: The productivity
challenge. Gold Coast Convention Centre 23-25 October 2011 (Invited) - McManus A. Promoting the health benefits of seafood: Successes, challenges and lessons learned. Australian Seafood Industry National Conference Seafood Directions: The productivity
challenge. Gold Coast Convention Centre 23-25 October 2011 - Howieson JR, Munyard S, Denham F. Improving Shelf-life of Snapper fillets: impact of addition of sanitisers on whole fish and fillets. Australian Society of Microbiology 11-13 October 2011 Hobart
Tasmania. - Howieson JR. Minimising graying of barramundi fillets ABFA/APFA Conference Sydney NSW 3-5 August 2011
- Howieson JR National Prawn Market Development Strategy ABFA/APFA Conference Sydney NSW 3-5 August 2011
- McManus A, Newton W. Seafood, food security and sustainability. Tacking Tomorrow Today: 44th Annual Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology Convention. Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre 10-13 July 2011
- Newton W, McManus A. Research into fish, seafood and food borne illness. Tacking Tomorrow Today: 44th Annual Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology Convention. Sydney
Convention & Exhibition Centre 10-13 July 2011 - McManus A, Cobiac C, Grieger J. The development of cancer prevention diets using nutritional modelling. Tacking Tomorrow Today: 44th Annual Australian Institute of Food Science and
Technology Convention. Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre 10-13 July 2011 - McManus A, Newton W. Seafood, food security and sustainability. Tacking Tomorrow Today: 44th Annual Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology Convention. Sydney
Convention & Exhibition Centre 10-13 July 2011 - McManus A, Newton W. Food security, Seafood and Sustainability. Royal Australian Chemical Institute (W.A. Branch) Analytical Chemistry Group Global Food Issues and Solutions. CSIRO
Building, Technology Park WA 22 June 2011 - McManus A, Newton W. Seafood, omega 3’s and mental health. Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) and Australian Association for Infant Mental Health
– ‘Growing up Solid’, Pan-Pacific Convention Centre, Perth 12-14 May 2011 - Howieson JR, Lawley M. Implementing whole of chain analysis for the seafood industry: A toolbox approach. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Annual Conference 2010,
Nov 29 2010, pp. 1-8. University of Canterbury, Christchurch New Zealand: Department of Management, College of Business and Economics, University of Canterbury. - McManus A. Grieger J, Cobiac L. Using nutritional modeling to develop cancer prevention diets in high risk groups. International Seafood & Health Conference, Melbourne Convention Centre
8-10 November 2010. - McManus A. Newton W. The future of seafood in food security and sustainability. International Seafood & Health Conference, Melbourne Convention Centre 8-10 November 2010.
- McManus A, Nicholson C. Barriers to seafood consumption: Consumer perspective Workshop. International Seafood & Health Conference, Melbourne Convention Centre 8-10 November 2010.
- White J, McManus A, Merga MK, Trzesinski A. Effective communication: What works with whom! International Seafood & Health Conference, Melbourne Convention Centre 8-10 November 2010.
- Newton W, McManus A. Microbiological safety benchmarking: How does seafood rate? International Seafood & Health Conference, Melbourne Convention Centre 8-10 November 2010.
- Trzesinski A, McManus A, Merga MK, White J. Seafood and health: A teacher resource for secondary students. International Seafood & Health Conference, Melbourne Convention Centre 8-10 November 2010.
- Merga MK, White J, McManus A, Merga M, Trzesinski A. Awesome aquaculture: Towards building a sound seafood and health knowledge base in young students. 2nd International Seafood & Health Conference, Melbourne Convention Centre 8-10 November 2010.
- Merga MK, White J, McManus A, Merga M, Trzesinski A. Awesome aquaculture: Seafood and health education for children (based on the New National Curriculum Framework). 2nd International Seafood & Health Conference, Melbourne Convention Centre 8-10 November 2010.
- White J, McManus A, Merga MK, Trzesinski A, Newton W. Seafood the super food: CESSH Kidzone resources. Australian Health Promoting Schools Association 8th National Conference: Connected schools, Connected communities. Burswood International Complex, Perth Australia. 7-8 October 2010.
- Trzesinski A, McManus A, Merga MK, White J. Seafood and health: A teacher resource for secondary students. Australian Health Promoting Schools Association 8th National Conference: Connected schools, Connected communities. Burswood International Complex, Perth Australia. 7-8 October 2010.
- Merga MK, Trzesinski A. McManus A. Seafood for kids: Fun and educational interactive resources. Australian Health Promoting Schools Association 8th National Conference: Connected schools, Connected communities. Burswood International Complex, Perth Australia. 7-8 October 2010.
- Trzesinski A. Merga MK, McManus A. Connecting research and practice in school health: Seafood and health nutrition resource for young Australians. Australian Health Promoting Schools Association 8th National Conference: Connected schools, Connected communities. Burswood International Complex, Perth Australia. 7-8 October 2010.
- McManus A, Newton W. Food security, seafood and sustainability. Sustainability and Future Trends in the Food Industry. The Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology. Technology Park, Bentley 6 August 2010.
- McManus A. Nicholson C. Supermarket and media audit of health messages relating to seafood. 20th IUHPE World Conference on Health, Equity and Sustainable Development. Geneva, Switzerland 11-17 July 2010.
- McManus A, Grieger J, Cobiac L. Using nutritional modelling to develop cancer prevention diets for high risk groups. World Cancer Congress 21-25 June, 2010 – A McManus – Invited
Speaker and Session Chair. - McManus A – Chair Session -Value adding experiences across industry sectors – lessons learned/ experiences shared. Australasian Aquaculture Conference Hobart Tasmania 23-26 May 2010.
- McManus A. Promoting the health benefits of seafood: industry guidelines and consumer resources. Australasian Aquaculture Conference Hobart Tasmania 23-26 May 2010. Invited Speaker
- McManus A, Taylor J, Nicholson C. Freijah R, Fielder L. GP resources – Health benefits of seafood: How user friendly are they? International Society of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity. Lisbon Portugal 17-20 June 2009.
- McManus A, Smith J. Food security and socio-economic disadvantage. International Society of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity. Lisbon Portugal 17-20 June 2009
- McManus A, Howieson J, Nicholson C. Seafood consumption and health – emerging evidence International Society of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity. Lisbon Portugal 17-20 June
2009. - McManus A, Nicholson C, Howieson J, Fielder L. The Health benefits of seafood: What is the evidence? International Society of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity. Lisbon Portugal
17-20 June 2009. - McManus A, Howieson J, Fielder L, Nicholson C. Health benefits of seafood: what does the evidence say? National Heart Foundation Conference Brisbane Convention Centre, Qld 14-16
May 2009.
Research reports
- McManus A, Pohlenz-Saw J, McManus J, Hunt W. Health benefits of seafood for the prevention and management of chronic conditions: A systematic literature review. Centre of
Excellence Science, Seafood & Health, Curtin University, Perth. Report 310314 March 2014 ISBN 978-0-9872086-2-0 - McManus A, Pohlenz-Saw J, McManus J. Review of literature relating to the health benefits of regular consumption of seafood as part of a health diet. Centre of Excellence Science, Seafood & Health, Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth. Report 311013 Oct 2013
- McManus A, Hunt W, Storey J, White J. Identifying the health and well-being benefits of recreational fishing. Centre of Excellence Science, Seafood & Health, Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth. Report 17122011 ISBN 978-0-9872086-1-3 FRDC Project Number 2011/21.
- McManus A, White J, Hunt W, Storey J, McManus J, Cuesta-Briand B, Golightly A. Community intervention to increase seafood consumption (CIISC). Centre of Excellence Science, Seafood & Health, Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth. 2011. Report 16092011 ISBN 978-0-9872086-0-6
- McManus A, Newton W, McManus J, Storey J, White J, Cuesta-Briand B. Enhancing activity, nutrition and mental health in overweight. Centre of Excellence Science, Seafood & Health, Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth. 2011. Report 14082011
- McManus A, Newton W. Seafood, nutrition and human health: A synopsis of the nutritional benefits of consuming seafood. Centre of Excellence Science, Seafood & Health, Curtin Health
Innovation Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth. 2011. - McManus A, Trzesinski A, Newton W, White B, White J, Storey J, McManus J. Understanding seafood consumption and healthy living practices. Centre of Excellence for Science Seafood
and Health, Curtin University, Perth 2010. Report 20122010. - McManus A, Nicholson C. Industry Guidelines for Seafood Health and Nutrition Messages. Centre of Excellence for Science Seafood and Health, Curtin University, Perth 2010. Report 14012010.
- McManus A, Newton W. Consumption of fish and Alzheimer’s Disease. Centre of Excellence Science, Seafood & Health, Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute, Curtin University,
Perth. 2010. July 2010 - McManus A, Nicholson C. Industry Guidelines – Evidence around the health benefit of regular consumption of seafood as part of a healthy diet. Centre of Excellence for Science Seafood and Health, Curtin University, Perth 2009. Report 090712 ISBN 978-1-74067-544-4
- McManus A, Nicholson C. Assessment of reach of physical activity and exercise media messages to regional Western Australia Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute, Curtin University , Perth. 2009. Report 090519.
- McManus A, Taylor J, Nicholson C. Health benefits of seafood: a review of resources available to general practitioners and allied health professionals. Centre of Excellence for Science, Seafood and Health, Curtin University, Perth 2009. Report 090415. ISBN 978-1-74067-542-0
- Nicholson C, McManus A, Fielder L. Supermarket and media audit of health messages relating to seafood. Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute, Curtin University , Perth. 2009. Report
090401 ISBN 978-1-74067-545-1 - McManus A, Howieson J, Nicholson C. Review of literature and resources relating to the health benefit of regular consumption of seafood as part of a health diet. Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute, Curtin University , Perth. 2009. Report 090101. ISBN 978-1-74067-544-4 (Plus separate publication – Executive Summary)
- McManus A, Howieson J, Fielder L, Cooper L. Review of health benefit research and development relevant to the Australian seafood industry and members of the Australian Seafood CRC. Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute, Curtin University , Perth. 2008 Report 081201. ISBN1 74067-540-1
Education and training resources
- McManus A, White J, Grieger J, Cobiac L, Newton W. Seafood and your health: A manual for general practitioners and allied health professionals. Centre of Excellence for Science Seafood
and Health (CESSH), Curtin University, Perth 2010 - McManus A, Nicholson C, White J. Industry Guidelines for seafood health and nutrition messages. Centre of Excellence for Science Seafood and Health (CESSH), Curtin University, Perth
2010. Number 14012010. - White J, Merga M, McManus A , Nicholson C, Trzesinski A. Seafood the super food – an online resources for primary school-aged children. Centre of Excellence for Science Seafood and Health
(CESSH), Curtin University, Perth 2010. - McManus A, Nicholson C, Merga M Trzesinski A, White J, Fielder L, Newton W. Seafood and Health: A Vocational Education Module (including assessment material). Centre of Excellence for
Science Seafood and Health (CESSH), Curtin University, Perth 2010. - Trzesinski A, McManus A, White J, Fielder L, Newton W. Teachers Resource for Secondary School Students – Seafood and Health (including separate assessment material booklet). Centre
of Excellence for Science Seafood and Health (CESSH), Curtin University, Perth 2010 - McManus A, Nicholson C, White J, Grieger J, Cobiac L. Manual for Health Professionals for the dietary management of selected nutrition-related health conditions plus dietary management
during pregnancy. Centre of Excellence for Science Seafood and Health (CESSH), Curtin University, Perth 2010. - McManus A, Nicholson C, White J, Grieger J, Cobiac L. Seafood and Health Resource – Arthritis. Centre of Excellence for Science Seafood and Health (CESSH), Curtin University, Perth 2010.
- McManus A, Nicholson C, White J, Grieger J, Cobiac L. Seafood and Health Resource – Cancer. Centre of Excellence for Science Seafood and Health (CESSH), Curtin University, Perth 2010.
- McManus A, Nicholson C, White J, Grieger J, Cobiac L. Seafood and Health Resource – Coronary Heart Disease. Centre of Excellence for Science Seafood and Health (CESSH), Curtin University,
Perth 2010. - McManus A, Nicholson C, White J, Grieger J, Cobiac L. Seafood and Health Resource – Diabetes. Centre of Excellence for Science Seafood and Health (CESSH), Curtin University, Perth 2010.
- McManus A, Nicholson C, White J, Grieger J, Cobiac L. Seafood and Health Resource – Pregnancy. Centre of Excellence for Science Seafood and Health (CESSH), Curtin University, Perth 2010.
- Merga MK, White J, McManus A, Merga M, Trzesinski A. Awesome aquaculture: a resource for middle and upper primary school children. (Teachers manual and Student workbook). Centre of
Excellence for Science Seafood and Health (CESSH), Curtin University, Perth 2010.
Books, theses, book chapters, websites, online courses
- Creegan R, McManus A (Martins R Ed). Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease. Pan Macmillan Australia 2013 ISBN 978-1-74261-198-3
- Hunt W, McManus A. (Hall-Moran V Ed). Maternal and infant nutrition and nurture: Controversies and challenges. Quay Books 2013 ISBN 978-1-85642-435-6
- McManus A, White J, Howieson J, Hunt W, Nicholson C, Storey J, McManus J. KidZone – interactive educational nutrition and physiology online resource. Centre of Excellence Science Seafood & Health, Curtin University 2010.
- McManus A. Regular fishing segment: Why people like fishing. John Curtis report. Curtin FM 22 May 2014
- McManus A. The fishing report with John Curtis: promotion of CESSH research. MediaPortal report 17 May 2014
- McManus A. The benefits of fishing are particularly important for women. 2UE Sydney Nights with Compere Clive Robertson 17 February 2014
- McManus A. Youth benefit significantly from being involved in rec fishing. ABC Great Southern Compere John Curtin 18 January 2014
- McManus A. Rec fishing – A healthy, active pursuit. ABC South Australia Compere Sara Tomlinson 15 January 2014
- McManus A. Fishing is good for your health. ABC Sydney National Drive (Online) Compere Barry Nicholls 27 December 2013 (Broadcast over 51 additional stations across Australia)
- McManus A. Women with breast cancer, children with autism and seniors benefit from dropping in a line. ABC Online for mp3 file 20 December 2013
- McManus A. Recreational fishing reduces stress and anxiety. ABC Coffs Coast, Coffs Harbour, NSW Compere Fiona Poole 20 December 2013
- McManus A. Healthy and affordable seafood-based meals at Christmas. CurtinFM Afternoon Program Compere Jenny Seaton 19 December 2013
- McManus A. Health benefits of fishing. What are they? ABC 720 Compere Barry Nicholls Drive – Afternoon Program 16 December 2013
- McManus A. What are the benefits of recreational fishing. CurtinFM Afternoon Program Compere Jenny Seaton 16 December 2013
- McManus A. Fishing has health benefits. Geraldton Guardian, Geraldton WA 13 December 2013
- McManus A. Curtin researchers reeling in the heath benefits of fishing. Curtin University Faculty of Health Sciences Online News 12 December 2013
- McManus A. Health and well being benefits of recreational fishing. 6PR Breakfast Program. Compare Steve Mills 10 December 2013
- McManus A. Curtin study reeling in the health benefits of fishing. Media Release 4 December 2013
- McManus A. A seafood salute to health. Diabetes Matters Magazine Spring 2012 pages 25-29.
- Barwick M. Good fishing=Good health. Escape with ET 2012; June pages 80-83
- McManus A. Consumption spikes after seafood assault. ABC Rural 26 October 2011
- McManus A. How to increase seafood consumption within a community to improve health. ABC Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, QLD Compere Neroli Roocke 26 October 2011
- McManus A. Recreational fishing and its impact on the health of the community. ABC Goulburn Murray NSW/VIC Compere Bronwen Wade 19 October 2011
- McManus A. Recreational fishing project. 6PR Nightline Compere Graham Maybury 18 October 2011
- McManus A. Health, wellbeing and fishing. ABC Mid West WA Compere Glenn Bardon 14 October 2011
- McManus A. Health benefits of recreational fishing. ABC Great Southern Albany with Compere John Cecil 13 October 2011
- McManus A. Health benefits associated with fishing: Recreational Fishing Project. ABC Goldfields WA Compere Naomi Christensen 11 October 2011
- McManus A. Fish is good for you. ABC Kimberley Compare Rob Mailer. 10 October 2011
- Media release Curtin University: Curtin study to catch health benefits of recreational fishing. 7 October 2011
- McManus A. Fishy health help: experts advise eating more fish for vital omega-3 benefits. Health & Medicine Liftout (full page). West Australian. 4th May 2011
- McManus A, White J, Newton W, Williams H. Today Tonight – Health and Seafood series –15 minutes of air time over 3 nights. 4th, 5th and 6th May 2011.
- McManus A. Education series for schools. The Advertiser South Australia 24 November 2010.
- McManus A. Canning Times 31 August 2010. Innovative garden wins – Rossmoyne Primary School – Aquaponica
- McManus A. Launch of the Centre of Excellence Science Seafood & Health. Australian Sustainability Development Institute (ASDI) Inaugural Newsletter, March 2010
- McManus A. Boost your diet with seafood. West Australian Online 7 January 2010
- McManus A. Healthy eating: Seafood rules. Health & Medicine Liftout. West Australian. 6 January 2010
- McManus A. New research centre to benefit industry. Media Release. December 2009.
- McManus A. Seafood, health and well-being. Curtin FM Radio. 2 November 2009
- McManus A. Launch of the Centre of Excellence Science, Seafood & Health. Australia wide media release. October 2009.
- McManus A. Promoting the health benefits of seafood: translating research into action. Curtin FM radio Interview. 31 October 2008.
Past projects
Supervised by Janet Howieson:
- Finfish Waste: Audit and Potential for Utilisation.
- Dried seafood for the Asian market.
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Standard Plate Count as an Indicator of Seafood Spoilage in finfish fillets.
- Optimisation of freezing for Aust salmon fillets
- Prawn quality and shelf-life
- Production of high protein biscuits from dried fish frames
- Moreton Bay Fresh Prawn Fishery ‐ Customer Focus and Sustainability
- To investigate the links between parasite infestation and fillet quality in farmed Yellowtail Kingfish in central Western Australia Seafood CRC
- Environmentally Sustainable Seafood Supply Chains : Analyses, Issues and opportunities.
- Utilize fish waste for fish snack production
- Fish protein extraction from tuna by-products using the modified endogenous enzymatic method
- A new value added product from underutilized Australian finfish species
- Bivalve depuration and its potential application in grit purging: an outlook towards benefitting industry.
- Functional properties of Collagen from skin and scale of Barramundi (Lates calcarifer)
- To elucidate the Growth and Development on Lates calcarifer (Barramundi) Ingesting Feeds made from Cyprinus carpio (Common Carp) fed Black Solider Fly Larvae
- The Effects of dietary Protein Source in Yellowtail King fish (Seriola lalandi) on nutrient loading in Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS)
- Development and quality evaluation of value added freeze dried product from Roma tomato seconds
- Physiological and immunological responses of juvenile barramundi (Lates calcarifer) fed bio-processed animal based protein diets.
- Small scale production of fermented chilli paste – influence of fermentation and storage conditions on quality and shelf-life
- Determination of parameters to optimise production of chips from out of specification zucchini (Cucurbita pepo).
- Production of fish cakes from Australian Salmon.
- Development of High Quality Bone Broth from Goat Bones.
Supervised by other academics:
- Quantifying the value of recreational fishing in Australia. McManus A, Hunt W. 2013-2014
- CESSH Post Harvest Research Program. McManus A, Howieson 2013-2016
- Identifying the health benefits of recreational fishing. McManus A, Hunt W 2012-2014
- Enhancing activity, nutrition and mental health in overweight adolescents. Straker L, McManus A, et al., 2011-2013
- Identifying the health benefits of recreational fishing. McManus A, Hunt W 2011-2012
- Health Behaviour Communication Project. McManus A, Trzesinski A 2010
- Evaluation of a culturally appropriate model of cardiovascular disease secondary prevention for indigenous people. Maiorana A, Dimer L, McManus A 2009-2010
- A nutrition and physical activity intervention for mothers with young children. Howat P, McManus A, Dhaliwali S, Burns S, Anderson A, Jancey J. 2009-2012
- Using the media to improve Aboriginal health. Thompson S, McManus A, James R. 2008-2010