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Development Committee

The Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy Development Committee (DevCom) was established in 2014, as an advisory group for staff and leadership.

Members of DevCom recognise that championing diversity and representation, and implementing equity and inclusion initiatives, is intrinsic to the work we do and to the wellbeing of our colleagues and students.

The DevCom team can be contacted at

Role of the development committee

  • Advise the Director on ways that CIRA can help support academic and non-academic career development options, both at CIRA and externally, for staff and students.
  • Elicit opinion and feedback from the wider Institute community on issues of diversity, development and working environment, as well as other issues of concern to the members of the Institute.
  • Connect to initiatives and resources at Curtin, and within the broader astronomy and engineering communities, in the areas of diversity and personnel development.
  • Improve the diversity of staff, students, visitors and speakers.
  • Monitor and publicise demographics of the institute, issues of diversity, and career development.
  • Encourage and support participation at events and workshops, etc., and on committees, that further the mission of the committee.

DevCom members

NameAreaRole Pronouns 
Dr Anshu Gupta ScienceCo-Chair She/Her 
Dr Susmita SettScienceCo-ChairShe/Her 
Garvit Grover ScienceEditor He/Him
Dr Bradley Meyers ScienceDEI Liaison He/Him
Dr Steve Prabu ScienceScribe He/Him
Callan Wood ScienceStudent Rep He/Him
Flora PetrouScienceStudent RepShe/Her
Venus Chico Engineering and Operations Member She/Her 
Dr Adelle GoodwinScienceMember She/Her
Prof Cathryn TrottScienceMember She/Her