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Summer studentships

The Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy is passionate about ensuring its facilities, staff and knowledge is accessible to students, welcoming undergraduate students to participate in research projects over the summer break.

Undergraduate students have the opportunity to apply for a summer studentship through either the Curtin EECMS or ICRAR programs, providing research and real-world experience for prospective HDR students or those wanting to learn more about radio astronomy techniques.

Find out how you can get involved in radio astronomy right here in WA!

Applications for the 2024 summer studentships have now closed.

Curtin EECMS summer vacation studentships

Curtin EECMS summer vacation studentships

Offered through the School of Electrical Engineering, Computing and Mathematical Sciences (EECMS), Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy hosts students for EECMS summer vacation studentships.

ICRAR summer studentships

ICRAR summer studentships

Applications for ICRAR summer studentships have now closed.
CIRA & UWA collaborate to provide studentship programs at both the University of Western Australia and CIRA, these programs normally run from November to mid-February. Studentships are a great experience for undergraduate students to gain experience in research.