Year 2017 news

RSSRG at the AquaFLUO-II workshop in Sydney
December 2017
the AquaFLUO-II followed the chlorophyll fluorescence in aquatic sciences, an international conference held in Nové Hrady in 2007 in the former Czechoslovakia. This conference brings together specialists of plant fluorescence

RSSRG at the 2017 WAMSI science conference
November 2017
RSSRG was involved in a number of WAMSI-funded projects, whose final results were presented at this WAMSI science conference in Perth

Initial data from the Thetis profiler
November 2017
The Thetis profiler, deployed off Rottnest island, has started to generate initial data sets

Phytoplankton around Australia, from ESA’s Sentinel3-OLCI
September 2017
RSSRG has developed a data processing capability, taking advantage of the availability of the Sentinel3/OLCI Level1 products from the Australia Copernicus data hub

RSSRG at the AMSA 2017 conference
July 2017
We were invited to give a talk on remote sensing at the 2017 AMSA conference in Darwin (NT), and also contributed a poster on the IMOS Radiometry task team work

RSSRG at the IOCS2017 meeting
May 2017
RSSRG was attending the 3rd International Ocean Color Science Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal, with a number of posters and active participation in the breakout sessions

April 2017
One of our recent publications in Plos ONE tells you about the impact of the spatial resolution of satellite remote sensing sensors in the quantification of total suspended sediment concentration

ACE expedition completed
March 2017
Nina Schuback and Charlotte Robinson came back from the 3-month Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition to which RSSRG took part. This research voyage was unique and not without some challenges!

Initial Thetis profiler deployment
March 2017
The Thetis profiler system (ARC LIEF grant) has been deployed off Rottnest island for the first time after it was commissionned by the manufacturer in late 2016

ESA’s FRM4SOC project
February 2017
The European Space Agency (ESA) has set up the “Fiducial Reference Measurements For Satellite Ocean Color” (FRM4SOC) project in 2016, to which we take part, bringing our expertise in field measurements of optical and radiometric quantities, and our experience in satellite calibration/validation activities

IMOS 2017 annual planning meeting
January 2017
We took part to the 2017 IMOS Annual planning meeting that was held in Perth, to report on our work with the “Radiometry task Team”, and to further our interaction with the IMOS community

22nd IOCCG annual committee meeting
January 2017
The RSSRG has been involved with the IOCCG for many years, and we were pleased to have the 2017 annual committee meeting in Perth this year

JAXA’s GCOM-C Mission 2017 Pi meeting
January 2017
RSSRG is among the few non-Japanese funded PIs for the Japanese GCOM-C mission, whose annual meeting was held in Tokyo in January 2017

The Akademik Tryoshnykov stops in Hobart
January 2017
The ACE expedition Leg1 was completed and the Akademik Tryoshnykov made a stop in Hobart. The RSSRG team was resupplied with the necessary consumables, tools etc… so that they could start the Legs 2 and 3 in optimal conditions