Year 2019 news
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RSSRG get their feet wet!
The 110E-line research voyage was carried out onboard R/V Investigator
May – June 2019
On 4th December 2020, RSSRG’s Research Scientist Charlotte Robinson embarked on the CSIRO research vessel Investigator for the 6-week SOLACE research voyage in the Southern Ocean. SOLACE stands for “Southern Ocean Large Areal Carbon Export”. This project is led by ARC Laureate Fellow Pr. Philip Boyd from University of Tasmania. A reduced contingent was onboard because of the Covid19 situation, yet the voyage could fulfill most of the initial objectives, including the full suite of optical measurements that RSSRG was in charge of.
The general aim of the voyage is to develop an approach to quantify the changing effectiveness of CO2 sequestration by the biological pump that can be implemented using remote-sensing of the ocean surface by satellites and it’s interior by autonomous vehicles (especially BGC-Argo autonomous profiling floats).

ROSACE final presentation, EUMETSAT, 4th December
December 2019
In his role of PI of the BOUSSOLE long-term time series project, D. Antoine led a study funded by the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), with the aim of proposing a preliminary design for the future Copernicus System Vicarious Calibration (SVC) infrastructure, to be used for the Sentinel3 missions.
The final meeting of the project was held on 4th December in Darmstadt, Germany

Highlights from our IMOS-supported activities
November 2019
RSSRG has published a number of reports on their IMOS-supported activities, including validation of satellite products, characterisation of optical properties of waters off Western Australia and some other cool stuff using radiative transfer simulations.
These activities were carried out as follow-ups of the recommendation from the Radiometry Task Team work that we did in 2016-2017
New RSSRG staff
November 2019
Kadija Oubelkheir has joined RSSRG as a new Research Associate. Kadija will be responsible for our activities under the IMOS Satellite Ocean Colour sub-facility

CEOS Working Group Cal/Val in Perth
July 2019
The calibration/validation Working Group (WGCV) of the International Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) had their 45th meeting in Perth. RSSRG (D. Antoine) reported on satellite ocean colour cal/val activities across the country, on behalf of the Australia’s research community being active in this domain

RSSRG at the 2020 AMSA conference
July 2019
RSSRG actively participated to the 2019 AMSA conference, Fremantle, through a number of presentations and posters and also through being part of the organising committee.

Satellite Remote sensing day at Curtin 30 April 2019
April 2019
The RSSRG took the initiative to bring together Curtin staff who are active in the satellite remote sensing and Earth observation domains, for a brainstorming day.
The goal is to assess the capabilities and to discuss the opportunity to form an interest group in this domain at Curtin

New funding grants to RSSRG, both from IMOS and JAXA
March 2019
The Japanese space agency (JAXA) has selected our proposal for funding over 2019-2021, which is about calibration/validation activities for their GCOM-C/S-GLI mission
IMOS has granted a 3-year contract to RSSRG, who become now an integral part of the IMOS satellite ocean colour sub-facility

Curtin Research & Development Committee Small Grant Awarded to RSSRG
March 2019
Postdoctoral Research Associate Charlotte Robinson has been awarded $29k by the Curtin University Faculty of Science & Engineering Research & Development Committee Small Grants Program to study carbon export potential in the Indian Ocean using advanced Equilibrator Inlet Mass Spectrometer Technology developed by collaborators at Duke University.

EDTAS conference, Perth 5-6 March 2019
March 2019
The EDTAS conference was organised by Defence, and was a forum to discuss emerging space technologies in a number of domains. RSSRG was invited for their expertise in satellite Earth observation

IMOS annual planning meeting and STAR Task team progress meeting 11-14 February 2019, Brisbane
February 2019
RSSRG participated to the 2019 IMOS annual planning meeting and reported on progress of the work in the frame of the STAR Task team

Annual PI meeting for the GCOM-C JAXA mission 21-24 January 2019, Tokyo
January 2019
D Antoine delivered a presentation on the progress of our activities under JAXA funding for the GCOM-C mission