Year 2022 news

SmartSAT CRC funded “OysterQual” project completed
December 2022
In December 2020, RSSRG was awarded a project by the SmartSAT Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) (lead CI D. Antoine). This project was named OysterQual, and was a pilot project aiming at exploring the potential of satellite ocean colour remote sensing in helping the WA oysters aquaculture Industry to identify potential future sites for growth of their activity, and for monitoring in real time the water quality on the farming sites.
The final meeting and report have been published.
See description here

As every year, RSSRG have participated to the annual planning meeting of the Australia Integrated Marine Observing System, to which we contribute since 2014
September 2022
This year an IMOS annual planning meeting was organised at a different season as usual. The meeting was held in Hobart, Tasmania, at the Wrest Point Casino, 27-28 September.
This unusual timing was still a consequence of a disrupted agenda because of Covid-19.
As indicated on the meeting web page, “Welcome to the 2022 IMOS Annual Meeting where for the first time in two years we will welcome all of you to a face-to-face meeting in Hobart. The intent for this meeting is to provide updates on key topics and elements of the program, as well as changes to people and processes within the office and NCRIS more broadly. We will discuss some of the emerging topics in marine science and potential linkages to other programs.”
Full agenda here

RSSRG welcomes Juan Li, research associate
August 2022.
In August, we welcomed Juan Li, moving to Perth from Quebec, where she did her PhD in the Takuvik lab.
Juan will develop her research in the frame of the RSSRG’s participation to the ARC Australian Centre for Excellence in Antarctic Research.
See also here.
Welcome Juan!

RSSRG welcomes Chandanlal Parida, research associate
August 2022.
In August, we welcomed Chandanlal Parida, moving to Perth from India, where he did his PhD and early career activities.
Chandanlal will develop his research in the frame of an ARC Discovery project (DP210101959) that was awarded to Prof. David Antoine as lead CI.
He will investigate relationships between phytoplankton pigments, optical properties and satellite ocean colour observations. He will use data from the research voyage that we did on R/V Investigator in May-June 2019.
Welcome Chandanlal!

RSSRG welcomes Md Rony Golder, PhD student
September 2022.
In September, we welcomed Md Rony Golder, moving to Perth from Bangladesh. he completed his MS degree in Coastal and Marine Science (Master’s) from the same university in 2020. During his master’s thesis, he received the National Science and Technology (NST) fellowship from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Bangladesh. His research mainly focuses on ocean colour remote sensing, coastal zone management, marine ecology, and biological oceanography. Master degree.
Rony will explore the long-term dynamics of phytoplankton in the Southern Ocean, This project isa part of ARC Australian Centre for Excellence in Antarctic Research.
Welcome Rony!

RSSRG participated to the first “Advancing Earth Observation Forum”, Brisbane, 22nd – 26th August 2022
The first “Advancing Earth Observation Forum” was organised by “Earth Observation Australia” (EOA), which is a collaboration and coordination hub for all people who collect and use Earth observation data in Australia. EOA brings Academia, Research, Industry and Government together to address coordination issue at the National scale and to advocate for more and better use of Earth Observation in multiple sectors of Australia’s economy.
Prof. D. Antoine attended as a member of the EOA management committee, and he also presented a poster on the progress our the OysterQual project. This forum was also a great opportunity to engage with potential partners for the development of our demand-driven research activities.
The convenor’s report is available here

Meeting of the “AquaWatch Pathfinders: Earth Observation Sensor Design Simulator Testbed (End to End Simulator)” project, 7th July 2022.
July 2022
The RSSRG lead, D. Antoine, travelled to Adelaide for a progress meeting of a project funded by the SmartSAT CRC named “AquaWatch Pathfinders: Earth Observation Sensor Design Simulator Testbed (End to End Simulator)”. This project is a collaboration with CSIRO, ANU, UQ and SatDek Pty Ltd.
The goal is the development of an end-to-end simulator of satellite missions, including a forward modelling of the satellite signal, an instrument model and inversion algorithms. Various configurations can be tested for each part of the overall process, allowing trade-offs to be made. RSSRG has defined and run the numerical simulation of radiative transfer needed for the forward part of the simulator.
This project is part of the development of the Aquawatch Australia mission