Antarctic Circumnavigation expedition (ACE)
“Phytoplankton abundance and composition in the Southern Ocean: Bio-optical research during the recent Antarctic Circumpolar Expedition (ACE).”
From December 2016 to March 2017, members of RSSRG circumnavigated Antarctica onboard the Russian research vessel Akademik Treshnikov. The Antarctic Circumpolar Expedition (ACE) was the first scientific expedition carried out under the auspices of the Swiss Polar Institute, supported by funding from the ACE Foundation and Ferring Pharmaceuticals.
During the expedition, the bio-optics team, led by David Antoine (RSSRG) and Sandy Thomalla (CSIR), collected a dataset of radiometric, optical and biogeochemical variables of unprecedented size and consistency for the Southern Ocean. The unique data set in combination with historical and other contemporaneous data will allow RSSRG members and collaborators to describe regionally-specific bio-optical relationships, and to identify the origin of the biases in current satellite OCR observations. The data collected during the ACE expedition will allow the development of new algorithms for robust studies of seasonal to decadal changes of phytoplankton abundance and species composition in the SO using satellite observations.

Expedition videos
Project partners
Project supervision
• David Antoine, RSSRG, Curtin University, Perth, Australia
• Sandy Thomalla, CSIR, Cape Town, South Africa
Expedition participants
All 3 legs:
• Nina Schuback, RSSRG, Curtin University, Perth, Australia
• William Moutier UCT, CSIR, Cape Town, South Africa
• David Berliner UCT, CSIR, Cape Town, South Africa
Leg1: Hazel Little UCT, CSIR, Cape Town, South Africa
Leg1: Thomas Ryan-Keogh UCT, CSIR, Cape Town, South Africa
Leg2: Alexandra Oliver Biospherical Instruments, San Diego, USA
Leg3: Charlotte Robinson, RSSRG, Curtin University, Perth, Australia
• Nicolas Metzl, LOCEAN, France
• Yannick Huot, Sherbrooke University, Canada
• Stanford Hooker, NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, USA
• John Morrow, Biospherical Instruments, USA
• Peter Strutton, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia
• Nick Hardman-Mountford, CSIRO, Perth, Australia
• Emmanuel Boss, University of Maine, Orono, USA
• Séverine Alvain CNRS-LOG, France
• Julia Uitz, CNRS-LOV, France
• Joséphine Ras, CNRS-LOV, France
Useful links
Datasets and publications
Coming soon.