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Results of dog cancer treatment trial raise hopes for human use

The encouraging interim results of a trial of a new cancer immunotherapy treatment in dogs with soft tissue sarcomas have raised hopes.

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Results of dog cancer treatment trial raise hopes for human use
Curtin researchers tailor leading social skills program for WA autistic teens

Thursday 21 May 2020By Lucien Wilkinson

Curtin researchers tailor leading social skills program for WA autistic teens

Curtin researchers have successfully completed a pilot study of a leading Swedish social skills training program for autistic adolescents, adapted to meet the needs of autistic teens in…

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Curtin study of supermarket meals gives food for thought

Wednesday 20 May 2020By Lucien Wilkinson

Curtin study of supermarket meals gives food for thought

With more people eating at home due to COVID-19, Curtin research has found more than half of Australian supermarket own brand chilled ready-made meals are unhealthy and 94 percent…

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Curtin and Wide Open Agriculture unite to commercialise lupin technology

Monday 18 May 2020By Lauren Sydoruk

Curtin and Wide Open Agriculture unite to commercialise lupin technology

Curtin University and Wide Open Agriculture will team up to develop and deliver a new technology that has the potential to create a novel plant-based protein from Australian sweet lupins.

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Curtin researcher awarded for lung cancer recovery breakthroughs

Thursday 14 May 2020By Lucien Wilkinson

Curtin researcher awarded for lung cancer recovery breakthroughs

A Curtin University researcher’s efforts to discover how people can better recover from lung cancer treatment has seen him named joint Early Career Cancer Researcher of the Year by C

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Curtin study finds key to making smaller and smarter electronic devices

Wednesday 13 May 2020By Lauren Sydoruk

Curtin study finds key to making smaller and smarter electronic devices

New Curtin University-led research has developed a new silicon-based molecular circuit that could potentially lead to the creation of electronic devices that are smaller, smarter and more energy…

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Aspiring trailblazers invited to apply for Curtin’s annual innovation awards

Thursday 30 Apr 2020By Lauren Sydoruk

Aspiring trailblazers invited to apply for Curtin’s annual innovation awards

Innovators from across Australia will now have the opportunity to showcase their ideas and projects at the 2020 Curtinnovation awards, which are open to the general public for the first time.

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One express ticket to Jupiter, please

Thursday 09 Apr 2020By Curtin University

One express ticket to Jupiter, please

The team from the Desert Fireball Network at Curtin University has found that Earth acted as a slingshot to alter the orbit of a meteor and propel it back into deep outer space near Jupiter.

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Explainer: what is contact tracing and how does it help limit the coronavirus spread?

Monday 06 Apr 2020By Jarrad Long

Explainer: what is contact tracing and how does it help limit the coronavirus spread?

Through contact tracing, health authorities can track down those might have acquired the virus from the infectious person.

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